Counselling and Psychotherapy in Cambridge

Making an Appointment

To book an appointment please telephone 01223 813762 or e-mail me at I will usually be able to see you within a week of your having first made contact with me.

What happens next?

Telephoning: The person you speak to will be able to arrange with you a time, date and the location for your first appointment.

Answerphone: If you reach my answerphone please do leave a message - I will always return your call on the same day or - if late at night - first thing the next morning. I assure complete discretion when I call and will not leave a message on your answerphone unless it is a voicemail in the same name as the name you have given me.

Assessment: This first appointment is called an "initial assessment" session - it will last for around an hour and it is a chance for you to begin to describe your situation, for the therapist to assess what is the best way of helping you and for you and the therapist to discuss this together. There will be plenty of opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. Attending an initial assessment session places you under no obligation to attend any further sessions, but you will be offered further sessions if appropriate.

E-mail: If you prefer not to be contacted by telephone then your appointment can be arranged entirely by e-mail. Please be sure to include your name and to state your availability to assist me in offering you a suitable appointment time.

Contracts, Fees, Times and Cancellations

Together we would agree a contract which would include day, time, frequency, duration (in terms of number of weeks, or open ended) and a fee. The contract means we agree to work together at the time agreed and this time is reserved for you each week. Full fees are charged for all arranged sessions, including cancellations, unless we are able to reschedule.

If you are unable to make it for reasons of work, holiday, flu, etc. you pay for this time unless we agree in advance to re-arrange the time for that week. In cases of bereavement or hospital stays, special conditions apply as to the rearrangement of sessions. You do not pay for sessions when I am on annual leave.

Fees: My standard fee policy is outlined below:
Current fees are £95 / Individuals and Supervisees
£125 / Couples

If you have private health insurance you might like to check with your insurers whether you are covered for my services. I am a Bupa and Axa registered Therapist.

I see people on a once, twice or three times per week basis.

My practices are near Cambridge and in Central London. You can also easily find me on the website of:
United Kingdom for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Contact me at:

Gulcan Sutton Purser

01223 813762
Mobile: 07743 893996
11 Heath Road
Swaffham Bulbeck
CB25 0LS

The John Bowlby Centre
1 Highbury Crescent
N5 1RN

My Counselling, Psychotherapy and Relationship Counselling service is based in Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge and can be easily reached by car or public transport.

Useful links & Professional organisations

BACP - British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy

BPS - British Psychological Society

UKCP - United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy

Department of Health

Mental Health Care - Mental health information for friends, families and carers

Mind - National Association for Mental Health


Age Concern - The UKês largest organisation working with and for older people

Asian Family Counselling Service - Confidential counselling service for individuals, couples and families of Asian communities

cancerbacup - Helping people live with cancer

The Cancer Counselling Trust

Cruse Bereavement Care

Gingerbread - The organisation for lone parent families

NAFSIYAT - Psychotherapy for clients from diverse backgrounds
020 7686 8666 email

PACE - Promoting lesbian and gay health and well-being and offering low cost counselling

Pink Therapy - Londonês largest and most experienced private therapy practice working with sexual minority clients

RADAR - Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation

Relate - The UKês largest provider of relationship counselling and sex therapy

The Samaritans - Offering 24 hour confidential emotional support
08457 909090

Terence Higgins Trust Counselling - The largest HIV and Aids charity in the UK




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